Monitor The Roll-Out Of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)

All “developed economies” are now deep in debt. The banking failures of 2008-10 were covered over by the excess printing of paper currency coupled with a Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP).

This flow of “Free Money” invited rampant Asset Inflation, market distortions, and easy profits for those who could borrow to invest. Life and commerce during those years since 2010-12 were sustained by the availability of fantasy money that quickly deluded both the public and all WTO signatory participants. Other distractions (e.g., a WHO controlled global pandemic; quickly followed by a foolish war in the Ukraine) have simply sustained the earlier ruse.

Military conflicts offer a reliable way of creating artificial financial churn sufficient to offset trade flows that have already withered or died; hence the Ukraine crisis.

The success of Bitcoin has frightened the Central Bankers. Their hasty yet well coordinated response has been to marry the Blockchain concept with their existing centralized servers. One corollary being the CCP’s Social Credit Score system, which clearly inspires the WEF to boldly advocate for stronger centralized control, intrusive surveillance, and the active monitoring of all private financial transactions.

Therefore the Public must learn to keep a close eye on all CBDC related developments.

US Congress S.686 Restrict Act

You have seen the extent to which "Democracy" keeps being held up as the 'ideal' political system we are each urged to both venerate, and defend with all our being. But the only true democracy the world has ever seen is the "Athenian Democracy" whose existence lasted from the 5th to the 4th Centuries BCE.

The United States of America was NEVER a democracy because the "Founding Fathers" fully understood the fundamental flaws of this political model. It is reasonable to argue the lie of "democracy" helped motivate the introduction of the guillotine during the French Revolution [Ref: the "Reign of Terror"].

In reality, the Founding Fathers (a diverse group) unanimously worked to create a Constitutional Republic ... with powers divided and ruled over (or guided) by a written constitution.

But such a sound and fair political structure [at least it is to the European mind!] is anathema to those supremacists who are guided by the Talmud and Zohar. Hindsight suggests America has been slowly poisoned by this chronic, and fundamental schism.